Gephebase Gene
Entry Status
Main curator
Trait Category
Trait State in Taxon A
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Trait State in Taxon B
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Ancestral State
Data not curated
Taxonomic Status
Taxon A
Latin Name
Common Name
baker's yeast
Saccharomyces capensis; Saccharomyces italicus; Saccharomyces oviformis; Saccharomyces uvarum var. melibiosus; baker's yeast; S. cerevisiae; brewer's yeast; ATCC 18824; ATCC:18824; CBS 1171; CBS:1171; NRRL Y-12632; NRRL:Y:12632; Saccaromyces cerevisiae; Saccharomyce cerevisiae; Saccharomyes cerevisiae; Sccharomyces cerevisiae
cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Opisthokonta; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; saccharomyceta; Saccharomycotina; Saccharomycetes; Saccharomycetales; Saccharomycetaceae; Saccharomyces
NCBI Taxonomy ID
is Taxon A an Infraspecies?
Taxon B
Latin Name
Common Name
baker's yeast
Saccharomyces capensis; Saccharomyces italicus; Saccharomyces oviformis; Saccharomyces uvarum var. melibiosus; baker's yeast; S. cerevisiae; brewer's yeast; ATCC 18824; ATCC:18824; CBS 1171; CBS:1171; NRRL Y-12632; NRRL:Y:12632; Saccaromyces cerevisiae; Saccharomyce cerevisiae; Saccharomyes cerevisiae; Sccharomyces cerevisiae
cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Opisthokonta; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; saccharomyceta; Saccharomycotina; Saccharomycetes; Saccharomycetales; Saccharomycetaceae; Saccharomyces
NCBI Taxonomy ID
is Taxon B an Infraspecies?
Generic Gene Name
SFP2; YBR294W; YBR2110
Sequence Similarities
Belongs to the SLC26A/SulP transporter (TC 2.A.53) family.
GO - Molecular Function
GO:0015301 : anion:anion antiporter activity
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GO - Biological Process
GO:0055085 : transmembrane transport
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GO - Cellular Component
GO:0016021 : integral component of membrane
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Presumptive Null
Molecular Type
Aberration Type
Molecular Details of the Mutation
out of 16 lines; 15 distinct SUL1 amplification alleles evolved. Copy number ranged from 2 to 16 ; Amplicon size ranged from 2.5kb to 40kb
Experimental Evidence
Main Reference
Gresham D; Desai MM; Tucker CM; Jenq HT; Pai DA; Ward A; DeSevo CG; Botstein D; et al.
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The experimental evolution of laboratory populations of microbes provides an opportunity to observe the evolutionary dynamics of adaptation in real time. Until very recently, however, such studies have been limited by our inability to systematically find mutations in evolved organisms. We overcome this limitation by using a variety of DNA microarray-based techniques to characterize genetic changes -- including point mutations, structural changes, and insertion variation -- that resulted from the experimental adaptation of 24 haploid and diploid cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to growth in either glucose, sulfate, or phosphate-limited chemostats for approximately 200 generations. We identified frequent genomic amplifications and rearrangements as well as novel retrotransposition events associated with adaptation. Global nucleotide variation detection in ten clonal isolates identified 32 point mutations. On the basis of mutation frequencies, we infer that these mutations and the subsequent dynamics of adaptation are determined by the batch phase of growth prior to initiation of the continuous phase in the chemostat. We relate these genotypic changes to phenotypic outcomes, namely global patterns of gene expression, and to increases in fitness by 5-50%. We found that the spectrum of available mutations in glucose- or phosphate-limited environments combined with the batch phase population dynamics early in our experiments allowed several distinct genotypic and phenotypic evolutionary pathways in response to these nutrient limitations. By contrast, sulfate-limited populations were much more constrained in both genotypic and phenotypic outcomes. Thus, the reproducibility of evolution varies with specific selective pressures, reflecting the constraints inherent in the system-level organization of metabolic processes in the cell. We were able to relate some of the observed adaptive mutations (e.g., transporter gene amplifications) to known features of the relevant metabolic pathways, but many of the mutations pointed to genes not previously associated with the relevant physiology. Thus, in addition to answering basic mechanistic questions about evolutionary mechanisms, our work suggests that experimental evolution can also shed light on the function and regulation of individual metabolic pathways.
Additional References
Related Genes
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Related Haplotypes
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