Gephebase Gene
Entry Status
Main curator
Trait Category
Trait State in Taxon A
Lolium multiflorum - sensitive
Trait State in Taxon B
Lolium multiflorum - resistant
Ancestral State
Taxon A
Taxonomic Status
Taxon A
Latin Name
Common Name
Italian ryegrass
Lolium italicum; Lolium perenne subsp. multiflorum; Lolium perenne var. multiflorum; Italian ryegrass; Lolium italicum A.Braun, 1834, nom. illeg.; Lolium multiflorum Lam., 1779; Lolium perenne subsp. multiflorum (Lam.) Husn., 1899; Lolium perenne var. multiflorum (Lam.) Parn., 1845
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ta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; Mesangiospermae; Liliopsida; Petrosaviidae; commelinids; Poales; Poaceae; BOP clade; Pooideae; Poodae; Poeae; Poeae Chloroplast Group 2 (Poeae type); Loliinae; Lolium
NCBI Taxonomy ID
is Taxon A an Infraspecies?
Taxon B
Latin Name
Common Name
Italian ryegrass
Lolium italicum; Lolium perenne subsp. multiflorum; Lolium perenne var. multiflorum; Italian ryegrass; Lolium italicum A.Braun, 1834, nom. illeg.; Lolium multiflorum Lam., 1779; Lolium perenne subsp. multiflorum (Lam.) Husn., 1899; Lolium perenne var. multiflorum (Lam.) Parn., 1845
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ta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; Mesangiospermae; Liliopsida; Petrosaviidae; commelinids; Poales; Poaceae; BOP clade; Pooideae; Poodae; Poeae; Poeae Chloroplast Group 2 (Poeae type); Loliinae; Lolium
NCBI Taxonomy ID
is Taxon B an Infraspecies?
Generic Gene Name
F4L23.19; At2g45300
Sequence Similarities
Belongs to the EPSP synthase family.
GO - Molecular Function
GO - Biological Process
GO - Cellular Component
GO:0009507 : chloroplast
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Arabidopsis thaliana
Arabidopsis thaliana
Presumptive Null
Molecular Type
Aberration Type
Insertion Size
10-100 kb
Molecular Details of the Mutation
15-25 copies of the EPSPS gene
Experimental Evidence
Main Reference
Salas RA; Dayan FE; Pan Z; Watson SB; Dickson JW; Scott RC; Burgos NR
Resistance to glyphosate in weed species is a major challenge for the sustainability of glyphosate use in crop and non-crop systems. A glyphosate-resistant Italian ryegrass population has been identified in Arkansas. This research was conducted to elucidate its resistance mechanism.
The investigation was conducted on resistant and susceptible plants from a population in Desha County, Arkansas (Des03). The amounts of glyphosate that caused 50% overall visual injury were 7 to 13 times greater than those for susceptible plants from the same population. The EPSPS gene did not contain any point mutation that has previously been associated with resistance to glyphosate, nor were there any other mutations on the EPSPS gene unique to the Des03 resistant plants. The resistant plants had 6-fold higher basal EPSPS enzyme activities than the susceptible plants, but their I(50) values in response to glyphosate were similar. The resistant plants contained up to 25 more copies of EPSPS gene than the susceptible plants. The level of resistance to glyphosate correlated with increases in EPSPS enzyme activity and EPSPS copy number.
Increased EPSPS gene amplification and EPSPS enzyme activity confer resistance to glyphosate in the Des03 population. This is the first report of EPSPS gene amplification in glyphosate-resistant Italian ryegrass. Other resistance mechanism(s) may also be involved.
Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry.
The investigation was conducted on resistant and susceptible plants from a population in Desha County, Arkansas (Des03). The amounts of glyphosate that caused 50% overall visual injury were 7 to 13 times greater than those for susceptible plants from the same population. The EPSPS gene did not contain any point mutation that has previously been associated with resistance to glyphosate, nor were there any other mutations on the EPSPS gene unique to the Des03 resistant plants. The resistant plants had 6-fold higher basal EPSPS enzyme activities than the susceptible plants, but their I(50) values in response to glyphosate were similar. The resistant plants contained up to 25 more copies of EPSPS gene than the susceptible plants. The level of resistance to glyphosate correlated with increases in EPSPS enzyme activity and EPSPS copy number.
Increased EPSPS gene amplification and EPSPS enzyme activity confer resistance to glyphosate in the Des03 population. This is the first report of EPSPS gene amplification in glyphosate-resistant Italian ryegrass. Other resistance mechanism(s) may also be involved.
Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry.
Additional References
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