Gephebase Gene
Entry Status
Main curator
Trait Category
Trait State in Taxon A
Pyrophorus plagiophthalamus - YE (ancestral) allele
Trait State in Taxon B
Pyrophorus plagiophthalamus - YG allele
Ancestral State
Data not curated
Taxonomic Status
Taxon A
Common Name
Pyrophorus plagiophthalmus
Show more ... thropoda; Arthropoda; Mandibulata; Pancrustacea; Hexapoda; Insecta; Dicondylia; Pterygota; Neoptera; Holometabola; Coleoptera; Polyphaga; Elateriformia; Elateroidea; Elateridae; Agrypninae; Pyrophorus
NCBI Taxonomy ID
is Taxon A an Infraspecies?
Taxon A Description
Pyrophorus plagiophthalamus - YE (ancestral) allele
Taxon B
Common Name
Pyrophorus plagiophthalmus
Show more ... thropoda; Arthropoda; Mandibulata; Pancrustacea; Hexapoda; Insecta; Dicondylia; Pterygota; Neoptera; Holometabola; Coleoptera; Polyphaga; Elateriformia; Elateroidea; Elateridae; Agrypninae; Pyrophorus
NCBI Taxonomy ID
is Taxon B an Infraspecies?
Taxon B Description
Pyrophorus plagiophthalamus - YG allele
Generic Gene Name
Sequence Similarities
Belongs to the ATP-dependent AMP-binding enzyme family.
Photinus pyralis
GenebankID or UniProtKB
Mutation #1
Presumptive Null
Molecular Type
Aberration Type
SNP Coding Change
Molecular Details of the Mutation
nucleotides associated with colour: G667A; A668G; G712C; G798T; A844A; G847A in exon 4 and A1165G in exon 5 leading to several amino acid changes
at the amino acid level: 90% of the colour difference between the yellow-green and yellow-emitting luciferases is due to two substitutions, R223E and L238V; the colour shift caused by L238V is about 1.3-fold greater than that of R223E. The remaining 10% of colour difference is due to one or more substitutions of L41I D226E V282I I283V V323I V389I
Experimental Evidence
Taxon A Taxon B Position
Codon - - -
Amino-acid Arg Glu 223
Stolz U; Velez S; Wood KV; Wood M; Feder JL
The Jamaican click beetle Pyrophorus plagiophthalamus (Coleoptera: Elateridae) is unique among all bioluminescent organisms in displaying a striking light color polymorphism [Biggley, W. H., Lloyd, J. E. & Seliger, H. H. (1967) J. Gen. Physiol. 50, 1681-1692]. Beetles on the island vary in the color of their ventral light organs from yellow-green to orange and their dorsal organs from green to yellow-green. The genetic basis for the color variation involves specific amino acid substitutions in the enzyme luciferase. Here, we show that dorsal and ventral light color in P. plagiophthalamus are under separate genetic control, we resolve the allelic basis for color variation, and, through analyses of luciferase sequence variation, we demonstrate that natural selection has produced a long-term adaptive trend for longer wavelength (more orange) ventral light on Jamaica. Our results constitute a novel example connecting the selective fixation of specific nucleotides in nature to their precisely determined phenotypic effects. We also present evidence suggesting that a recently derived ventral orange luciferase allele on the island has deterministically increased in frequency. Thus, the current luciferase polymorphism for P. plagiophthalamus appears to be mirroring the long-term anagenic trend on Jamaica, revealing a possible ongoing adaptive color transition in progress.
Mutation #2
Presumptive Null
Molecular Type
Aberration Type
SNP Coding Change
Molecular Details of the Mutation
nucleotides: G667A; A668G; G712C; G798T; A844A; G847A in exon 4 and A1165G in exon 5 leading to several amino acid changes
amino acids: 90% of the colour difference between the yellow-green and yellow-emitting luciferases is due to two substitutions, R223E and L238V; the colour shift caused by L238V is about 1.3-fold greater than that of R223E. The remaining 10% of colour difference is due to one or more substitutions of L41I D226E V282I I283V V323I V389I
Experimental Evidence
Taxon A Taxon B Position
Codon - - -
Amino-acid Leu Val 238
Stolz U; Velez S; Wood KV; Wood M; Feder JL
The Jamaican click beetle Pyrophorus plagiophthalamus (Coleoptera: Elateridae) is unique among all bioluminescent organisms in displaying a striking light color polymorphism [Biggley, W. H., Lloyd, J. E. & Seliger, H. H. (1967) J. Gen. Physiol. 50, 1681-1692]. Beetles on the island vary in the color of their ventral light organs from yellow-green to orange and their dorsal organs from green to yellow-green. The genetic basis for the color variation involves specific amino acid substitutions in the enzyme luciferase. Here, we show that dorsal and ventral light color in P. plagiophthalamus are under separate genetic control, we resolve the allelic basis for color variation, and, through analyses of luciferase sequence variation, we demonstrate that natural selection has produced a long-term adaptive trend for longer wavelength (more orange) ventral light on Jamaica. Our results constitute a novel example connecting the selective fixation of specific nucleotides in nature to their precisely determined phenotypic effects. We also present evidence suggesting that a recently derived ventral orange luciferase allele on the island has deterministically increased in frequency. Thus, the current luciferase polymorphism for P. plagiophthalamus appears to be mirroring the long-term anagenic trend on Jamaica, revealing a possible ongoing adaptive color transition in progress.
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