Gephebase Gene
Entry Status
Main curator
Trait Category
Trait State in Taxon A
Mammal ancestor
Trait State in Taxon B
Tursiops truncatus; other cetaceans
Ancestral State
Data not curated
Taxonomic Status
Taxon A
Latin Name
Common Name
Show more ... Eukaryota; Opisthokonta; Metazoa; Eumetazoa; Bilateria; Deuterostomia; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Gnathostomata; Teleostomi; Euteleostomi; Sarcopterygii; Dipnotetrapodomorpha; Tetrapoda; Amniota
NCBI Taxonomy ID
is Taxon A an Infraspecies?
Taxon B
Common Name
bottlenose dolphin
bottlenose dolphin; Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphin; bottle-nosed dolphin; Tursiops truncatus Gervais, 1855
Show more ... eleostomi; Euteleostomi; Sarcopterygii; Dipnotetrapodomorpha; Tetrapoda; Amniota; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Boreoeutheria; Laurasiatheria; Cetartiodactyla; Cetacea; Odontoceti; Delphinidae; Tursiops
NCBI Taxonomy ID
is Taxon B an Infraspecies?
Generic Gene Name
Sequence Similarities
Belongs to the G-protein coupled receptor 1 family. Opsin subfamily.
Homo sapiens
GenebankID or UniProtKB
Mutation #1
Presumptive Null
Molecular Type
Aberration Type
SNP Coding Change
Molecular Details of the Mutation
D83N; A292S; A299S
Experimental Evidence
Taxon A Taxon B Position
Codon - - -
Amino-acid Asp Asn 83
Fasick JI; Robsinson PR
The absorption maxima of both rod and cone visual pigments of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) are blue-shifted relative to those of terrestrial mammals. A comparison of the sequence of the dolphin rod photopigment gene with that of the bovine rod suggests that, fo the 28 nonidentical amino acids, three amino acid substitutions at positions 83, 292, and 299 in the dolphin rod pigment are responsible for the 10 nm blue shift in absorption maxima. A similar comparison of the dolphin long-wavelength sensitive (LWS) cone photopigment gene with those of the human LWS cones suggests that a single substitution at position 292 (using the convention of rhodopsin numbering) in the dolphin LWS cone pigment results in a blue shift in absorption maxima. A mutagenesis study reveals that the combination of the three dolphin specific substitutions in the bovine rod pigment (83D to 83N, 292A to 292S, and 299A to 299S) causes a blue shift from the wild-type lambdamax of 499 nm to 389 nm. The single substitution in the dolphin LWS cone pigment (292S to 292A) causes a red shift from the wild-type lambdamax of 524 nm to 552 nm. The interactions of the three amino acids identified in the rod pigment with the chromophore may be a general mechanism for blue shifting in rod visual pigments. Furthermore, the single substitution in the dolphin LWS opsin gene is a novel mechanism of wavelength modulation in mammalian LWS pigments.
Mutation #2
Presumptive Null
Molecular Type
Aberration Type
SNP Coding Change
Molecular Details of the Mutation
D83N; A292S; A299S
Experimental Evidence
Taxon A Taxon B Position
Codon - - -
Amino-acid Ala Ser 292
Fasick JI; Robsinson PR
The absorption maxima of both rod and cone visual pigments of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) are blue-shifted relative to those of terrestrial mammals. A comparison of the sequence of the dolphin rod photopigment gene with that of the bovine rod suggests that, fo the 28 nonidentical amino acids, three amino acid substitutions at positions 83, 292, and 299 in the dolphin rod pigment are responsible for the 10 nm blue shift in absorption maxima. A similar comparison of the dolphin long-wavelength sensitive (LWS) cone photopigment gene with those of the human LWS cones suggests that a single substitution at position 292 (using the convention of rhodopsin numbering) in the dolphin LWS cone pigment results in a blue shift in absorption maxima. A mutagenesis study reveals that the combination of the three dolphin specific substitutions in the bovine rod pigment (83D to 83N, 292A to 292S, and 299A to 299S) causes a blue shift from the wild-type lambdamax of 499 nm to 389 nm. The single substitution in the dolphin LWS cone pigment (292S to 292A) causes a red shift from the wild-type lambdamax of 524 nm to 552 nm. The interactions of the three amino acids identified in the rod pigment with the chromophore may be a general mechanism for blue shifting in rod visual pigments. Furthermore, the single substitution in the dolphin LWS opsin gene is a novel mechanism of wavelength modulation in mammalian LWS pigments.
Mutation #3
Presumptive Null
Molecular Type
Aberration Type
SNP Coding Change
Molecular Details of the Mutation
D83N; A292S; A299S
Experimental Evidence
Taxon A Taxon B Position
Codon - - -
Amino-acid Ala Ser 299
Fasick JI; Robsinson PR
The absorption maxima of both rod and cone visual pigments of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) are blue-shifted relative to those of terrestrial mammals. A comparison of the sequence of the dolphin rod photopigment gene with that of the bovine rod suggests that, fo the 28 nonidentical amino acids, three amino acid substitutions at positions 83, 292, and 299 in the dolphin rod pigment are responsible for the 10 nm blue shift in absorption maxima. A similar comparison of the dolphin long-wavelength sensitive (LWS) cone photopigment gene with those of the human LWS cones suggests that a single substitution at position 292 (using the convention of rhodopsin numbering) in the dolphin LWS cone pigment results in a blue shift in absorption maxima. A mutagenesis study reveals that the combination of the three dolphin specific substitutions in the bovine rod pigment (83D to 83N, 292A to 292S, and 299A to 299S) causes a blue shift from the wild-type lambdamax of 499 nm to 389 nm. The single substitution in the dolphin LWS cone pigment (292S to 292A) causes a red shift from the wild-type lambdamax of 524 nm to 552 nm. The interactions of the three amino acids identified in the rod pigment with the chromophore may be a general mechanism for blue shifting in rod visual pigments. Furthermore, the single substitution in the dolphin LWS opsin gene is a novel mechanism of wavelength modulation in mammalian LWS pigments.
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